Cream puff swans
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Seven swans-a-swimming, six geese-a-laying Five golden rings Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtledoves, and a partridge in a pear tree. Happy New Year! Here’s hoping 2015…
Yellow cupcakes with peanut butter cream cheese frosting and chocolate ganache
Egg whites are back! To finish out the series I started before I took that whole gluten and dairy break, I’ve got one more piece of the science and a home-run recipe for you. To learn more about how egg…
Tagalong Cake
My parents have a second freezer in the basement, between the washing machine and the wrapping paper. It’s for the essentials: summer berries from the garden, toaster waffles, and a seemingly endless supply of Girl Scout cookies. Sounds like a…
Lemon Battery Cake
Phrosting and Physics When the last day of my super awesome coworker Ana was approaching (in early December), someone commented, “We should get her a cake.” I perked up. Did someone just say cake? I like cake. I like making…
Brown Butter Hazelnut Cake
How to skin hazelnuts without pulling out all of your hair It was my birthday recently (okay, if we’re being honest it was almost more than a month ago because I’m slow at this whole blogging thing), and I think…
Chocolate layer cake with raspberry filling and chocolate ganache
Ganache-ing their terrible teeth I love birthdays. They are an excellent excuse to make extravagant cakes, which I love to do and would probably do more often if people didn’t seem to find it extremely strange when the occasion for…