Jam-filled baked donuts
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Five golden rings Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtledoves, and a partridge in a pear tree. The neighborhood caroling party anchored my family’s holiday traditions throughout…

Pumpkin loaf cake with browned butter frosting
Pumpkin loaf cake with browned butter frosting Somehow pumpkin spice has gone from the quintessential flavor of fall to the quintessential flavor of the twenty-something girl wearing a scarf and leggings. And while I think the addition of the sixth…

Browned butter pastry cream… and cupcakes!
I’ve had jobs in three different restaurant kitchens, and I didn’t feel qualified for any of them when I was hired. I’ve come to relish that feeling, most of the time at least, because it pushes me to learn the…

Yellow cupcakes with peanut butter cream cheese frosting and chocolate ganache
Egg whites are back! To finish out the series I started before I took that whole gluten and dairy break, I’ve got one more piece of the science and a home-run recipe for you. To learn more about how egg…

Raspberry cheesecake cookies
When I was a kid, I thought the height of sophistication (and deliciousness) was epitomized by a snack that I found on the side of a box of Ritz crackers. Because seriously guys, crackers topped with cream cheese and raspberry…
Lemon Battery Cake
Phrosting and Physics When the last day of my super awesome coworker Ana was approaching (in early December), someone commented, “We should get her a cake.” I perked up. Did someone just say cake? I like cake. I like making…
Take 5 Cupcakes
CHOCOLATE I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for multiple months and have not yet delved into the science of chocolate. This is a serious failing on my part, and I extend my deepest apologies. And I’m going to remedy it….